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Business case

Revolutionary mobile management

Mobile work tools are more important than ever for modern businesses. Techstep is a technology company that delivers products and services so that companies can meet these needs. Together with Techstep, we have developed the self-service portal of the future for large companies, nationally and globally!

The product

Lifecycle automation

Employees need operational mobile work tools to make their workday more efficient and ensure quality. As a result, the need for device management and policy enforcement within companies is increasing. Lifecycle Portal is a self-service portal with a focus on efficient management of each device lifecycle. The portal provides full control of the company's total picture, right down to each individual employee. The result is reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Therefore, companies reduce costs by using the portal:

  • Automated administration: Reduce administrative burden by automating processes such as purchasing, repairs, and returns.
  • Self-service: Employees can manage their own devices within set guidelines, reducing the need for IT support.
  • Sustainable practices: Focus on recycling and environmentally friendly solutions for end-of-life devices.
The collaboration

Our partnership

We have a long-term partnership with Techstep and have been on many exciting journeys together. The collaboration has been close, where the goal has been to establish good internal routines in digital product development. Examples of areas in which we have contributed are as follows:

  • Design expertise
  • Development resources
  • The architecture
  • Agile product development
  • Migration responsibility
The partnership

The road ahead

Techstep and Gture have a long history together as partners, and there's more to come! We are grateful for everything we learn from each other and we are proud of everything we achieve together. Techstep is on a steady course into a global market, and we look forward to contributing to the challenges of the future.
Check out Techstep here to read more about all the exciting products and services the company offers.

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